Aaron Rains
Fine Art Collections

Palm Beach, FL 561.670.5618
Sarasota, FL 941.286.3671

Welcome to the first online catalog to curate the complete works of Aaron Rains.
This catalog is designed for private collectors and galleries
who are interested in these original works. Price lists are available by request.
Thank you for your consideration. 

The Past: "Scientific Eden" 2008
48x60 inches, oil on canvas
     This painting depicts Adam and Eve standing together under "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". The fruit on the tree reflect the world around them and represent awareness. The snake, representing temptation, is reflected in the fruit, hanging on bare tree limbs where fruit once was.
     Eve's facial expression suggests that she is experiencing "good" for the first time. Adam's malicious expression represents his first "evil" thoughts.
     The "tree of life" stands in the middle of the garden. The royal purple and ethereal glow represent eternal life.
     The lands of Havilah, Cush, and Assyria are represented in the distance. Gold and onyx are reflected in the hills of Havilah.        
     These lands are seperated by four riverheads: The Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates. These riverheads flowed out from the river that watered the garden.    

     Theories differ on the ethnicity of the first humans. We all have varying degrees of melanin which is made from two different melanocytes: eumelanin and phaomelanin. Eumelanin is round and produces brown and black pigments. Phaomelanin is rod-shaped and produces red and gold tones.  
     The shapes of these interlocking melanocytes inspired the decision to depict Adam as extremely angular. His angular sebaceous glands produce deep waves and curls in his hair. His facial features are chiseled into a sharp bone structure.
     The round qualities of eumelanin inspired the decision to depict Eve as extremely curvy. Her round sebaceous glands produce a straight hair shaft. Her face is soft, while her cheeks and lips are round.
[ Your Text Here ]
The Present: "Hell On Earth" 2008
48x60 inches, oil on canvas

     Heaven showers the earth with fire, while major corporations burn behind living dead dictators who have been cast from Hell to walk the earth again. The dictators, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-iI, Vladimir Lennon, and Ayatollah Komini, represent the sin and corruption of the nations.
     They watch a demon wrestling in the air with an angel above a bottomless pit of fire that has opened in the intersection.
     The New Testament says," that no one will be able to buy or sell except one who has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."
     A "w" in American English would translate to a "v" in Hebrew. The Hebrew "v" is also a six. Our "www" would translate to 666.
     The Bible says that this mark will be a necessity. People will welcome it, and see it as a way of improving life.
     Today's cell phones use a java applet to send text. Credit card verification also requires an internet connection. We see this as more convienient, but future generations will find this less practical. They will rely on technology to do even more for them. The demon's headset represents never ending advances in internet technology and phone capability.
     There are thirteen bills which add up to six hundred sixty-six dollars which represents our greed.
     Greed fuels this fire between good and evil. This world is not Eden, this world is man made.
     The angel fights with a smile because he knows who will win this last battle.
The Future: "A New Creation" 2008
48x60 inches, oil on canvas
     This painting represents eternal life on a new peaceful earth. Eve invites you into this world that is free from pain and devastation. An ox shares straw with a lion.
     Angels pull back curtains to reveal the light of a new day reflecting off the water onto a balcony where Adam feeds grapes to the wolf and lamb.
     Grapes are the only recognizable vegetation found in the first painting from this series, which depicts Adam and Eve as adults in the garden of Eden.
     The whore of Babylon drinks perverted wine in front of a supercenter in the second painting from this series.
     Eve's grapes represent new wine which is one of the five symbols of the Holy Spirit according to Biblical text. The presence of the Holy Spirit is one of comfort and peace.
     Adam and Eve are depicted here as children to represent the faithful who will be reborn into this new life. They will be innocent and pure.
"A Walk With Jesus" 2008
16x20 inches, oil on canvas
     This simple scarlet oak leaf fallen on a walkway represents Jesus Christ on the cross. The Bible says we should not try to paint or create graven images of the face of God. The cold, hard, rough stones and pavers that make up the walkway represent our life here on earth. The dying leaf, so dry and fragile, retains its fiery glow.
"Rave Party" 2008
16x20 inches, acrylic on canvas
Laser beams and strobe lights shower glow stick spinning ravers who dance to the D.J.'s mix session.
"Midnight Mechanics" 2008
18x24 inches, oil on wood panel
     This picture was inspired by two buddies determined to keep an old truck running, even if it meant losing a night of sleep. One works under the truck, while the other works under the hood. The figure under the hood is changing a thermostat. Note the detail of the battery and terminals, heater hoses, serpentine belt, radiator and its hoses, and overflow container. Note the stars in the background. The missing depictions of dipsticks for oil, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid is why these two are up so late.
"Broken Collarbone" 2008
16x20 inches, oil on canvas
     Dishes are stacked up in the bachelor's sink. After breaking his collarbone again, in a second motorcycle accident, all he wanted was rest. He cooked the marrow out of animal bones to make a broth for a stew.  This was in hopes that the marrow would help fuse the bones quicker than the first time he broke his collarbone.   It worked.  Years later the victim of the accident made the same stew for the artist, who experienced an accident himself.  The artist healed quickly and was released from the hospital with a soft mechanical diet regimen.
"Dorothy Gets Hospitalized?" 2008
16x20 inches, oil on wood panel

     Painted in a Dutch Master's style, Dorothy holds a martini in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The Cowardly Lion cheers Dorothy on while the Tin Man stumbles in the poppies. The Scarecrow holds up a champagne bottle and toasts as much as he can while sleep sets in. The Emerald City lies behind them, if they can ever get there.

"Sunset at Venice Jetty's" 2008
18x24 inches, oil on wood panel
The Jetty's in Venice, Florida are known for fishing and sunsets. Massive rocks jut out into the Gulf of Mexico's current, and protect the imported white sands from erosion. People like walking out to the end of the South Jetty.
"Up Yours" 2008
18x24 inches, oil on canvas
     After drafting out the dictators in "Hell On Earth,"  this humorous painting was a welcome break from intense subject matter. Originally this piece was to be "Nose" in a series entitled "Elbows, Nose, and Toes."  The set was created, but "Toes" was sanded, primed, and given to another artist to paint over. Now, this piece stands alone.

Synthetic Bristles retain their shape longer than natural bristle brushes when working clean in the traditional style of oil painting. Longevity and permanence are important to Aaron Rains. Enjoy a peek into his memorable view of the world. Tidbits of his testimony are scattered throughout a portfolio of painted works from his Formative Years Collection.
Synthetic Bristles includes never before seen detail images from his first series of religious masterworks. A third section on Modern Masters is an entertaining eye opener for the savvy collector.